
‘A new Malaysia in the making...’

by LanH
One thing I ‘hate’ going to Pakatan Rakyat’s ‘ceramahs’ (talks) nowadays is that I have to park my car a far
distance from the venue and do a lot of walking. Normally crowds at Pakatan’s ‘ceramahs’ spill over from their original grounds, resulting in massive jams of not only vehicles but also people!
On Monday, 22th April, a cousin told me Anwar Ibrahim would make his last appearance in Melaka before the D-day of 5th May. He was scheduled to take the stage with top Pakatan leaders in Melaka such as Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin of PKR and Goh Leong Sang from DAP.

I was thinking of whether to go or not to that ‘ceramah’ scheduled to be held on the night of 23rd April in Taman Merdeka, Batu Berendam. I hate to be caught in traffic jams and walk to the venue, but suddenly an idea crept into my head; why not load my daughter’s bicycle into my car; park the car a distance away and then cycle to the location?
I put into practise that ‘innovative idea’; and well at 10 pm sharp on that day; with that small bicycle managed to weave myself to a spot about 50 metres from the stage. I asked a youth next to me what was his assumption of the crowd; he said that the ‘ceramah’ attracted some 20,000 people.
Goh who is running for the Duyong state constituency with his tagline ‘Kerajaan Baru Impian Baru’ (New Government New Hopes) written on his buntings and posters spread in the area said innovative ideas should be welcomed by the new government. Well, perhaps I had already put ‘a brilliant idea’ into practice!
Leaders of Pakatan Rakyat at that ‘ceramah’ talked among others about ‘a new Malaysia’ after election day. Anwar among others talked about lowering the price of fuel and food items, free and fair education for all and most important “we are establising a ‘kerajaan rakyat’ (people’s government) that cares for the rakyats’ inspiration and needs.”
As Anwar took stage, ‘rockets’ of fireworks were fired into space. The sky was brightened by colorful sparks of fire; the atmosphere was joyful with people shouting and clapping their hands; ‘ a new Malaysia’ was in the making as the rakyat were entering ‘a second Merdeka’ - free from the hands of the feudal few and their cronies. On the subject of ‘a new Malaysia’,
I liked one idea given by a speaker who said the time had come to stop ‘political warlords’ from interfering in government departments and agencies’ policies and identities and bullying its servants. He said it was common knowledge that one ‘Ketua Menteri’ (Chief Minister) had his hands on duties supposedly to be handled by a ‘datuk bandar’ (mayor) including on its monies, accounts and allocation.
What was said by that speaker should be an eye opener for citizens who love this beloved country of ours. In my opinion, politicians should have their hands off from interfering in policies and work of government servants.
The issue of learning Science and Mathematics in English (Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris, PPSMI) from 2002 onwards which was forced upon teachers and pupils by the then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad was a clear example.
To me, let’s have faith in the civil servants; they are professional in their work, they should know what’s best for those under them. Politicians too have their hands on matters regarding works and monies of state Islamic religious departments including ‘zakat’ (tithe).
Why interfere in affairs of these departments? Have faith in them and let those who were trusted to their positions do their work professionally.
Please, do not tramp on zakat monies as though it was your own property by giving handouts to only those who support you and your party!
Politicians too have their hands full on issues pertaining to citizenship. Why meddle in the work of people of the Registration Department? Why don’t have faith in governance agencies and servants?
The same could be said on other departments and identities such as ‘Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat’ (Welfare Department), ‘Kemas’ and last but not least the unpopular ‘Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR)’ and ‘Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM)’.
If Pakatan Rakyat takes the helms of Putrajaya; please give full support to those chosen government servants to do their work in line with their departments’ aspirations; do not interfere and meddle with their affairs. Stop harassing them for example sending teachers to remote areas if they were involved in activities and union work as was done by the previous regime!
A few days ago (22th April), in his speech after announcing his membership in PAS, the former Menteri Besar of Selangor for more than a decade, Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib, admitted that Muslims in this country were fast losing the Islamic ‘roh’ (spirit) in them.
Without ‘roh’, Muslims were living without purpose; true some selected few and their cronies were getting material gains such as having many properties and monies while their places of worship such as ‘masjid’ were big and beautiful , but had no ‘barakah’ (not blessed) in their lives.
Masjids are empty, while at home, ‘kasih sayang’ (love among family members) was on the decline; many children were without this ‘kasih sayang’, but instead showered with wealth. Some of these children from well off families (Tan Sri Muhammad mentioned Shah Alam as an example) lived on the fast lanes - with flashy cars and lots of money which they dumped into pubs, clubs, casinos and into unmoral activities and women!
I totally agree with you, Tan Sri Muhammad; I salute you for having make that great move; so let all of us lend our hands to help PAS with all our ability and resources in transforming all Muslims beginning with our family members to lead lives in line with the teachings of Allah SWT and His Prophet, Muhammad (s.a.w.) . It was touching of you Tan Sri Muhammad for saying that PAS having your trust in paving the way so that Muslims would lead safe lives in this world and the Hereafter.
As PAS is a component party in Pakatan Rakyat, let us all work all out to make this dream (impian) of a new government a reality. As Anwar had mentioned in his speech in Taman Merdeka that this is the first time since ‘Merdeka’ the rakyat had two identities (Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional) to choose from in forming the next government; let us all of us share the same inspiration; let’s hope for ‘a new Malaysia’. Let’s celebrate MERDEKA for the second time, INIKALILAH! - ES